Day 1

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day 1

We started out first day of the internship with a meeting where we got to know the names of all the other interns at RIT this summer. We all introduced ourselves and told each other an interesting fact or favorite activity of ours. After Joe finished going over some basic rules (don’t steal stuff from RIT, etc.) we went down to the Red Barn to participate in some team building exercises with a man named Tom. Tom lead us in group activities and helped us develop more creative ways of thinking about and working together to solve problems.

After arriving back at the Carlson building and having lunch, the interns split up and each met with their respective advisors. Ronny and I already met with Dr. Qiao earlier this week because she is currently traveling to a conference with one of her grad students. After arriving at the lab today and meeting with Cayla and John, two of the other grad students working there, Ronny and I took an online laser safety training course online. The government and RIT require anyone working with a Class 4 laser to take a safety course before use.

Once we finished this training and received our certificate we began learning MatLab, a program commonly used to process and plot data collected in series of experiments. I didn’t think it was too difficult to learn the syntax of the MatLab programming language because I have taken courses in Java in school and learned some C++ independently. The only thing that was unusual about the language is that the data types of variables are not defined and can be changed as operations are performed on them; it took a while to get used to that because Java and C++ both require you to define data types as variables are declared and mismatched data types will give you a syntax error and stop your program from running.

Overall I enjoyed the first day of our internship and look forward to the next six weeks!

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