Day 17

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 17

Ronny and I continued experimenting with our "camera" system today using the CCD along with a 20x magnification microscope objective. We were able able to produce a sharp image showing the fine detail of the fiber light we had used previously.

We also experimented with different shutter speeds on the camera to determine if we could capture an image of a momentary phenomenon (flicking the light on and off) by leaving the CCD shutter open for several seconds during which time the light would blink for less than a second. We were successful in doing so, however, the image produced had much less resolution than previous images using a shorter exposure time with a constant image source. It will most likely be necessary to use a similar technique to capture an image of the femtosecond laser beam due to the extreme difficulty of triggering the CCD shutter to coincide perfectly with the arrival of a laser pulse moving at 299,792,458 m/s with a duration of 10^-15 seconds; simply leaving the shutter open long to enough to ensure arrival of the pulse within a certain time range would be an easier way to capture the necessary image.

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